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Once a week we cover the progression, riders, and things going on with idX along with the broader global freeski and snowboard world. If you take your email seriously or can't stand a joke, this might not be for you. - Mia

Welcome to the party, it happens every Thursday-ish!
Oh snap, looks like something just cased a jump. Try again or reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll get you added

2 Questions. Everybody Knows the Rules.

Dew Tour 2024 Recap

We sent thelifty to the Dew Tour this past weekend, and from the sounds of his interviews, he came strapped with 4 24 packs of diet coke, idX in his pocket, frostbite from last Dew Tour, a potential hangover, and a minor case of "difficulty understanding human social queues". We break down his questions in one photo

thelifty conducting an interview

Fortunately, there were some amazing athletes (and people) to give great and insightful responses on their Dew Tour run, contest, and experiences. View the interviews below and ♾️💜 and respect to everyone who spent time talking with us!

Eileen Gu - Women's Ski Pipe
Alex Ferreira - Men's Ski Pipe
Maddie Mastro - Women's Snowboard Pipe
Lucas Foster - Men's Snowboard Pipe
Eileen Gu - Women's Ski Streetstyle
Tucker FitzSimons - Men's Ski Streetstyle
Colby Stevenson - Men's Ski Streetstyle
Mia Brookes - Women's Snowboard Streetstyle
Liam Brearley - Men's Snowboard Streetstyle
P Roll/Extra Shots from Dew Tour

Finally, thanks to all the event organizers, the people behind the scenes, and Allison Weis, Jesse Orlean, Liz Copan, and Marta for providing amazing shots for us to post to distract us from the fact that we had to listen to thelifty's voice 🙏.

We'll drop this on idX soon

2 Questions for Everyone on idX

After interviewing the best skiers and snowboarders in the world, we only think it's fair to throw out two questions to everyone on idX that's uploaded in the last 2 months. Here we go and let us know the answers.

@cravingcolt888 - What's been the population of picnic tables at Blue Mountain before and after you got on Vishnu's, and how have you progressed so much in the last year?

@zac.sureman - What's your favorite story filming with OS Crew, and your favorite feature that you've built at Mission Ridge Parks?

@Skian - What's your favorite story of filming with OS Crew, and what's the injury recovery process been like/does a cast help to ski rails?

@official_no_poles - How does it feel to be in company of famous pop culture icons like Sydney Sweeney, Taylor Swift, and LeBron James leading the no poles revolution, and how did you get so good on rails?

@gaffer - What's the vision for gaffer.wear and how does gaffer.wear inspire your style of riding?

@jamison.tidwell - Are you/do you think you can be top dawg at Three Kings, and tell me about the hectic time operating idX's technology for X Games from your perspective.

@bonusburger - Rumor has it your living with thelifty, how annoying is that kid talking about idX 24/7, and are you a better looking dude than him?

@thrilledpiglet8 - Is Stevens Pass terrain park as chaotic as it seems, and what's your favorite feature?

@conyayeasttt - How has skateboarding helped you jibbing on your snowboard, and how does showing the love to everyone on idX inspire your riding?

@blendbuster2 - How much fun do you have jibbing on everything from dumpsters to playground horses and what's the deal with geese along with making dope clothing for x.G.A.C.x?

@n8/@AllFallsZone - Are you more the king of rock dropping or the king of New York and how do you know @bonsuburger?

@Jude_York - Pow, Park, or Steel at Dodge River and what are we learning for the rest of the season?

@Prestonski1 - Is your friends how the best place to progress and what's the season been like at Spirit Mountain?

@dave_can_do_it - What was it like filming one of the most electric clips in idX history and do you have any other nicknames besides Double Dave the Daffy God?

@baumann.luca - Have you ever boosted out of the Laax Halfpipe and what are you skiing with on the

@eagermeerkat9 - What's a good name for that Tame Dog to switch and how's Blue Mountain been this year?

@ethan.connell - How does it feel to have 2 idX NBD's in the bag and where haven't you been this season?

@keegs - What's been your favorite time filming/skiing with the OS Crew and how do you learn nasty lines in the park?

@kyle_johnston5 - How do you get inspired and learn super cool tube maneuvers and create new waves?

@bake_groot - How the immaculate vibes on idX translate to riding at Eldora and what's the key to a successful kit?

@puzzledlizard9 - How do you do big floaty threes off big booters and do you think the people on idX need to see more?

@tooterShredZ - What's the story behind the username and how's it been hitting the park this year?

@Derek.Grant - Are backies for the boys and lipslides for ladies or are backies for the ladies and lipslides for the boys?

@steezepolice - It's been lawless on idX for the last year and half under your eye; how does this enforcement of rules on idX translate to your skiing? Finally, are the rumors true, do you have a video of thelifty peeing into a flower pot blacked out at 6 am in the morning mumbling that he's going to go cork sev at three kings?

@thelifty - What's next for idX and why haven't you been uploading as much to idX this year?

@cartercreek - How does it feel to drop one of the hypest urban edits idX has seen and how did you find all those spots?

@guiltysnail9 - How's the hand feeling man?!

@ByronBenrd - What's it like being the Slo-Mo king on idX and have you landed that Tame Dog or Backflip yet?

@full_mast - What inspired your username (honest question, have no clue) and has skiing nearby the 6 been good this year?

@drew.flores - What's it like reppin' North Carolina at Big Sky and how long have you wanted to throw that dub cork 10?

@gutturalhawk3 - How does it feel to represent for the ladies on idX and do you feel like your riding has gotten better this season?

@ndvski - What's the best gift you've gotten out of skiing and how does one get such good style?

@RideLikeHellCat - How the hell did you find out about idX from Finland and what does Ride Like Hell Cat mean?

@guiltypup2 - Where was that backflip and was that the first one you've done?

@shady - What's it like being the coach of idX and how has rocking the skullcandy headphones with the Virtika fit improved brain performance and skiing?

@yvng._brady - Are there any tips for afterbang and how's the Sunshine Village park?

@novybbg - How did you get so good at filming and what type of vibe do you like to portray in your clips and edits made for sorta.snow

These responses and more should be coming out in the next Wallride Journal Edition

God Save the Steeze And Other Ramblings

ICYMI, here is our Year 0 edit that is filled with absolute bangers. Thanks to gaffer - Cam Gaffney, novybbg, drew.flores - Drew Flores, cautioussmelt9 - Benny, full_mast, d_kol - David Kolbrener, zac.sureman - Zac Scheuerman, official_no_poles - Evan Attaway, baumann.luca - Luca Baumann, blendbuster2 - Lucas Waitman, ndvski - Noah Drifter, yvng._brady, misfit_skier, cravingcolt888, conordavis - Conor Davis, dave_can_do_it - David Apkarian, shady - Chuck, dylanaker - Dylan Aker, Dom, simontheskiboi - Simon Douglas, Skian - Ian Russell, atinski - Andrew Tinseth, jusluca - Luchador, bake_groot - Lake Grooters, and jamison.tidwell - Jamison Tidwell

idX Year 0 Recap

I'm Talking About Mountain Dew Baby - February Recap
Bisk 101
Working Title - Must Edit For Clout

Rockin' Around the idX Tree


It's the last weekend to upload clips for the idX Invitational and then the I'm Learning Event. We're giving out 7000 Bisk for these events which close Monday so get those clips in! We'll announce the winners on our gram soon

idX Devology

We've been developing a better more cleaner video display layout. They say the bigger the better so let's see what happens. Finally, dev overlord thelifty is working on creating/managing crews and improving functionality from in app via your profile for Tow Rope subscribers.We're going to be working on improving commenting and liking next along with announcing Turf Wars on idX next week. 50000 Bisk is going to be up for stakes 😨.

zac.sureman with the Super Illusive at Copper a while ago in the header

idX Headquarters

"We need to be brave enough to ask questions" - Randy Marsh
Friday I'm in Love✌️ - Mia

© 2025 Infinite Degrees