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Once a week we cover the progression, riders, and things going on with idX along with the broader global freeski and snowboard world. If you take your email seriously or can't stand a joke, this might not be for you. - Mia

Welcome to the party, it happens every Thursday-ish!
Oh snap, looks like something just cased a jump. Try again or reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll get you added

we back.

Sponsor Break: We Back

You know those times when you hear Tame Impala or MGMT from the speaker as the sun is setting, and you're with a squad of 5 hiking a rail past resort close.Or maybe you are blackout at the local watering hole at 1am with your new friend hearing Ms. New Booty come on the aux.There is really only one thing that are in common with these moments: you have a smile on your face.And ladies and gentleman, start your engines wax and detune your skis and snowboards, because this is indeed one of those moments. We are back for the 2024-2025 ski and snowboard season. Lets ride.

we back.

Ecliptic Devology: We Are Back

Back in around early August, Ecliptic (formerly idX) headquarters were like that scene in Strictly: Delete right before Trevor Kennison and squad teamed up Kansas City: a tunnel with only darkness at the end. I reached out to thelifty about this moment and he said - "Yeah to be honest, we were thinking about scraping the whole thing and starting an OF page to fund our Pickleball Singles 4 U App".Admist the mirage in the Mojave Desert, snow was spotted in form of bake_groot, flamingo_plug, and crummyviper5 uploading from Copper to Hood to Chile. As they say, the rest is in iOS version 8.9 and Android version 57 history.Download and Update iOS, Android, or Web Today for a new *Ecliptic* experience. The only thing that still looks and acts like a Snowman (or Snow woman) after two days in 47° sunny weather is the map. Here are the plugs:
Ecliptic - iOS
Ecliptic - Android

Pre-Season Recap

Apart of the mirage we had was Fly showing off his brothers failed backflip. (hope all is low key well and that box slide was electric).Script writers (myself) knew they had to take action. Fortunately, we threw up the ecliptic call.After this, I don't know if it was because it's snowing in my NYC apartment or if the west side and down under was getting dumped on (New Zealand if you want to exact) but madness ensued.

S/o to (in no particular order): zac.sureman, Andrew, ethan.3j. keegs, zooted_in_paris, eastonsaunders, flamingo_plug, bake_groot, crummyviper5, Freakysmitty, stump, Alex_Snowboarder, RideLikeHellCat, gaffer x gaffer.wear, Skian, mannysanchooo, 13mma, Jude_York, conordavis x 406, cravingcolt888, TotallyTricky, snortin_the_yort, torinskis, geeked_on_squeef, foxh3aps, tmac13.clips, bonusburger, betrayedmandrill6, jamison.tidwell, blendbuster2, and adsskiii (yeah buddy).Nothing can unite a community really around backswaps, backflips, disasters, diy jumps and rails, dom toliver edits, road gaps, or Bisk quite like Ecliptic.

Some things that stood out when scrolling through the Ecliptic feed were the all time usage from a pure Biskness standpoint from Utah. Examining the comments, tags, and usernames however reminded me of that time at the top of the park I got called "Polar Express" for saying you shouldn't do acid and shrooms at 14 years old. #stayinschool, #wearahelmet, and #drugsarentcool.

Also, when I saw Mt. Spokane pop up, I immediately thought of heroin addicts that couldn't get a script of percs refilled after a sprained ankle playing basketball against the Hitler Youth.

Shout out to 13mma for proving us wrong and props to sliding the first quad kink of the season along with putting this park in the know.

Check Ecliptic and let me know if I did this pre-season wrong. You won't be disappointed. If you disagree, then you are probably the Grinch and see me at the Peculiar Pub on Bleeker to discuss.

The Plan

Nothing brings a crowd together like a great front flip / tamedog off a knuckle, 36 beers (save 12 for the afters plus the gas station vodka + lemonade for the starving children in Africa) or the crew (minus one homie who is sitting two chairs behind) because someone from Texas was yapping about how they are going to take some laps with you while they leave their SO and 2 kids behind.After I got signed for another year for 100 Bisk and 4 24 packs of diet coke to write updates/roasts on the Ecliptic community, I was told we have some important announcements in store:12/23 - Pushin' P via Email and Bisk Rewarded12/24 - Holiday Szn12/26 - 12/31 - Potentially a New Wave on Social + Day 2 Bugs FixedEarly January - New EventCheers and text 1-855-MAX-BISK or DM on IG if you have questions.

Other News

Please go and watch Absorb from the OS Crew if you haven't had a chance yet. If you solely spend your time on Ecliptic, imagine the feeling when indigenous tribes are first exposed to the internet and all they do is watch...well, we don't want this email to be flagged. Link below.


I would be remiss if I didn't mention 2Bus1Love from cravingcolt888


Mia Mood

foxh3aps with the Switch Left Bio 9 in the header
Pushin' P Coming Monday and watch out For World War E - Ecliptic Headquarters

I'm back, we back, whole gang here, let's ride. See you at dawn.

- Mia from Ecliptic

© 2025 Infinite Degrees