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Once a week we cover the progression, riders, and things going on with idX along with the broader global freeski and snowboard world. If you take your email seriously or can't stand a joke, this might not be for you. - Mia

Welcome to the party, it happens every Thursday-ish!
Oh snap, looks like something just cased a jump. Try again or reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll get you added

Wake Me Up When November Ends

Wake Me Up When November Ends

With low snow totals in Utah, us still living in the past of last season (look forward to our end of year 2022-2023 recap next week on IG and YT for some energy unknown to mankind), and developing and developing broken lines of code, Green Day made a late push into our Spotify wrapped.

So why not stick to the music theme that every brand leveraged last week into some marketing post, and throw our November recap in honor of Green Day.


Who is cautioussmelt9 and why does every time we see him upload a clip, it's like he's on a rail with an Armageddon Flame (case in point: Frontslide to Switch on a DFD or a casual Lip On K-Fed).

Also bringing the heat, Skian (early contention for idX username of the year), entered Clackamas County territory with this Waterfall Rail featured in Magnetic from the OS Crew. Bang bang goes my head just thinking about it.

Boulevard of Broken Lips

First sighted on the boulevard was none other than bake_groot, landing an idX (and bake_groot's first?) Front 270 On with a board in a park with a flat bar. We see a big bag of tricks in the future combined with the Luh Off Axis Back 3! We also love to see the goofy edits with proper lip ons.

Boulevard of Broken Lips (Cont.)

Walking along the bussin' road of idX dreams, we found ourselves at Mt. Bachelor, where blendbuster2 helped create a community park that rivals the bonezone here in Utah. 270 ons are apparently IN this year on idX.

It was also confirmed that Dub Swaps bring that drip (alright that's enough) from blendbuster2 and jamison.tidwell at Woodward PC. Fortunately for us here in Utah, Snowbasin seems to have made a jib set up, and what better way than to break in the lip with a 4 on to front 4 out. Reminds us of the front 4 out to back 4 out from zac.sureman this summer.

Time of Our Lives

Whether it's a box stuck in the road from tatummholden, jumps that make simontheskiboi go sw rodeo 5, or some cliffs and speed that are unpredictable by ndvski, sometimes this pops into our head.

I mean, isn't the answer obvious - picnic tables? Thanks cravingcolt888 for the answer and also giving this filmer (judging by the sound reaction), the scream of their lives with the F2 out of the pyramid at Blue Mountain.

21 Clowns

This wouldn't be an idX email without a proper roast, and today's candidate is none other than our good? friends over at NewSchoolers and their owners: The Arena Group. Detailed in this report by Futurism, across all 23 of their brands, they are using AI to generate content and power that ad revenue.

We definitely know this has leeched it's way into some NS articles (unconfirmed about the forums), but seriously? No one in this company could come up with a better solution other than AI content. Maybe start working on your product first?

An analogy is that imagine what would happen if someone spent 24/7 promoting themselves and no time skiing or snowboarding? Their skiing or snowboarding would most likely deteriorate and be left with nothing to promote.

We commend those that sent it in November, and look forward to how idX can help everyone on our platform progress and recognize the unknown.

idX Devology

Stay tuned. We've been developing things on the backend so we can all stunt on the frontend (aka your phones or laptops).These things include- Making autoplay primo- A way to recognize progression- Better social features (faster loading of likes/comments, reply/like comments, and sharing idX with your contacts).

And this??!? - See Email

Who knows in the world of idX, but fun things are coming.

Past Emails

For past recaps, thoughts, and announcements (not to the tune of Green Day).

Things We're Thankful For - 11/24
Judging - 11/17
Preseason Smoke - 11/10
An Honest Take: Watching Ski and Snowboard Competitions  - 11/3
Back From The Dead: Halloween 2023 - 10/31
Too Hood To Be True: A Summer Recap - 10/27
idX Financial Biscuits Outlook - 10/20
The idx Roadmap of Ski And Snowboard Dreams - 10/13

jamison.tidwell with the Dub 12 in the Header
idX Headquarters

December should be fun. Emails Coming On Fridays
- Mia
© 2025 Infinite Degrees