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Once a week we cover the progression, riders, and things going on with idX along with the broader global freeski and snowboard world. If you take your email seriously or can't stand a joke, this might not be for you. - Mia

Welcome to the party, it happens every Thursday-ish!
Oh snap, looks like something just cased a jump. Try again or reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll get you added


Hold up before we end this campaign

As you can see, idX has done bodied the damn lanes

Bisk Jesus, please let them accept the things they can't change

And pray that all of the O.T.Y.'s be sprayed with Champagne

This was obviously a modified versus from Otis, but it felt fitting to recap Year 0 on idX with a song from an album titled Watch the Throne.

Lets get after my favorite Clips, Lines, and Edits of the Year

War Dogs? Probably. Congrats to Skian and cautioussmelt9 for the best street clips of Year 0 (2023)

At idX, we appreciate celebration. Nothing showed that better than gaffer doing a Switch Pond Skim at Stevens Pass combined with this Beaut of a 3

zac.sureman with a Mute Grab to Switch on a D. Highly dangerous move.

Honorable mention
dylanaker - Front Swap Front 6 Out
official_no_poles - 2p4 to Mega Fed
shady - Front 8
full_mast - Regs To Sw5050
jamison.tidwell - Back 3 Swap Misty 4 Out
blendbuster2 - Backslide 2 Out
d_kol - 450 Out
novybbg - Disaster B2 Out

Shady. Enough said.

Honorable Mention
yvng.brady with the Left 720

misfit_skier has to take the cake after landing b4s in front of the neighbors

Honorable Mention

official_no_poles Cork 360 Blunt. To the Parents Teacher Association (PTA), we clearly do not smoke, we only provide it as people running the Speedway in Sugar House Utah say

Honorable Mention


Enjoy Right Now Today, bake_groot

Without bake_groot and all the Colorado squad sending it on dummy rails with no snow, creating edits in the middle of parks and yards, entering rail jams, and spreading idX word, I don't know if idX would still exist today. We are groot.

With a last minute edit upload to idX, welcome baumann.luca

We hope that ogit is still doing well in the great north of Sweden. We also remember at idX that we know no other language than English, the language of straight facts, and going crazy over fat booters at Laax.

dave_can_do_it, jamison.tidwell, and sixinchswede

Bisk Jesus, please do not let myself see the horrors of a switch dub fronty or a cab dub underflip.

How can you distinguish between a line of rails or a line of jumps? Well, the idX community voted on it via idX. Congrats gaffer.

Filming better will always remain elite

Honorable Mention

Is he a menace on the rails, or does he send massive natural booters with no regard for safety. Congrats blendbuster2. The peoples champion.

We will never forget the Panorama Bowl Tree Gap at Winter Park which was featured at Bobby Brown's invitational

How can you judge art and style? I don't know personally, but what I do know is that jusluca and novybbg have the insider ISO settings.

Clip of the Year

I've never shown a clip more than the Gap to Slope at Stevens vid to a random ass day city dweller to show the beauty of idX.

Thank you novybbg for filming and gaffer for sending.

Regardless of clips, no one has ever done Rock Droppin' better than n8.

Honorable Metion

You can't do this off a cliff, but you can for sure do this to stunt on the chair lift line. conordavis, we still believe you are buttering today with nightlights

Even though it might be argued that Mark McMorris is the president of Canada while Max Parrot is the Prime Minister, after receiving 0 usage of idX from the Great White North until yvng.brady and full_mast came onto the scene, the afterbang and style translates across all borders to create World Steeze.

Across the providences, no one provided a better shot and clip of a Flat 3 than ditchseeker_

I hope to experience this in the smog of the SLC one day

ndvski. Steak was well deserved. We do not endorse this, but respect it.

Honorable Mention

n8 - Pain

gaffer - Death By Dub

ski - 4 On Attempt

Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves back up

Nothing is better than a first try than a Switch Rodeo 5 from simontheskiboi

Edit of the Year

shady - "I'M back"

Nothing went harder than the no sound edit saying "Shady's back". Sometimes you have to let the Krust and King of Killington's Switch Cork 7's speak for itself. If you don't eat Mom's Spaghetti after this, idk what your doing.

Honorable Mentionj
amison.tidwell - All 3 Swaps
baumann.luca - Szn End 22/23

Trick of the Year


No one has a Switch Misty 9 Mute in the Bag, and I don't think anyone other than Hunter Hess, Alex Hall, or Nick Goepper plans on it. Let alone in state of North Carolina. Congrats King.

Skier of the Year


It's a tough world when you can dub cork 12s off Three Kings jumps, pretz 4s out of a flat tube like it's no big deal, butter after an underflip to a 3, misty 4 out of any rail, and the list could go on and go and on. But big props to our King of Three Kings. Thanks for showing that your local park is all you need to push progression and push yourself into the freeski world.

idX Friends of the Year


It takes a bunch of hard work to build the infrastructure for idX. Even more so, it takes everyone on idX to build that community for the freeski and snowboard world to shape the way they want to look like in the future. Thank you to the weekend warriors, friends that make us hike rails and build booters and hitters, the skiers and snowboarders sending it for themselves, and everyone else who have helped week in and week out to create and build idX.

Also, special shoutout for people who cannot be named but have provided confidence, meaning, insight, and support for idX.

Meant alot throughout the last year and means the world continuing through 2025 ❤️

An Addendum
Pregame at misfit_skier's house tonight

Party and showcase at the 6th Annual Urban Air at Cecil D. Andrus Park in Boise, Idaho brought to by the OS Crew

Derek.Grant with the backie in the header
idX Headquarters

It's still Saturday in Hawaii. idX Hype and big news hopefully coming this Friday.
✌️ - Mia

© 2025 Infinite Degrees