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Once a week we cover the progression, riders, and things going on with idX along with the broader global freeski and snowboard world. If you take your email seriously or can't stand a joke, this might not be for you. - Mia

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Big Biskness

Big Business or Big Biskness?

As the holiday season is in full effect, what better way to celebrate the time honored tradition of consumer spending to show that we "love" one another than to tie a bow on how plan to recognize and reward the unknown.

Introducing Bisk

Bisk Definition

BiskAdjective: noun
Pronunciation: Bieh-sck
Definition: A way to recognize and reward the unknown on idX
Language of Origin: The Streets, Penjamin City, and Park Crew
Usage in a sentence: "I throw down on the rails for myself, but some bisk from idX wouldn't be the worst thing in the world fr."
Pronouns: Core/Money/Swag

Bisk at it's core is a way of recognizing and rewarding the Unknown. It's one of our values and missions with idX and why we started idX. Instead of having myself, idX, or rely on likes, followers, and repost pages to boost your clout, why not issue a system in idX that lets people speak with their pockets (or in this crowd's case, their parents credit cards) to recognize the senders, park rats, and go getters on idX.

Keep Going, I'm Almost There

Big Biskness Headquarters

Starting January 1st, when you upload to idX, you will be able to receive Bisk from other people on idX and exchange that Bisk for cash via Venmo or Paypal. 100 Bisk = $1.00 USD. You must have $35 worth of Bisk (3500 Bisk) to be able to withdraw. This way you can afford a soda and candy at Vail resorts.

In the future, we will be partnering with brands (already in the works), where you can exchange bisk for skis/boards, swaq, and more. I'm stoked. Potentially a gaffer.wear collab is in the works.

Along with that, idX will be hosting virtual events throughout the season where we distribute Bisk to you on idX. Ideas are in flux right now; however, we plan to have an open event, best clip under or equal to 540 degrees or 270 degrees on rails, best line, best edit, Battle of the Mid/Midland Warriors, and events to celebrate important idX Holidays (4/20, April Fools, Spring Break, Presidents Day, Fridays, etc...) every month. In fact, one is already up now:

Merry Biskmas // Happy Holidays Event

But Mia, Why Should I Buy Bisk?

Great question, we will be offering a subscription on idX called the Tow Rope or Backcountry Pass to access premium idX features for the greatest app ever created.

Backcountry Pass - $4.99/mo

The Backcountry Pass is our basic level offering. It gets you 180 Bisk ($1.80), precise locations to the map that you see now (for free) instead of the relative locations in the clip descriptions, download videos to your camera roll for low service access to visualize, analyze, and get inspiration from, and a verified marker next to your name letting know that you support the idX community. Bisk included, this is really a $3.19 subscription.

Pre-order Now Here and you will receive everything by January 1st on idX or your money will be refunded.It's honestly the best present for those that haven't gone shopping (me).  

Tow Rope Pass - $9.99/mo

The Tow Rope Pass is our primo offering. Access everything the Backcountry Pass has to offer, receive 540 Bisk ($5.40), create your crew, and see followers. In the future, see full leaderboards, who viewed your profile, views on clips, and more. Leaderboards will include not how we judge style or "who is the best on idX", but more so who has uploaded the most clips on idX, who are the Bisk Kings and Queens, who has received the most elite pins, etc..

Pre-order Now! I feel like I'm Billy Mays (RIP) right now re-incarnated but lets ride. You will not regret this.

Bisk Offerings

As the great Kelis said in Bossy, "you don't have to love me, you don't have to even like me, but you will respect me". This is what we will do with idX. Skiing and snowboarding is expensive enough, and if you are throwing down, we will know, support, and try to help you boost as much as possible.

Furthermore, core functionality (searching, pushing progression, events, uploading, feeds, and your profile) will not change. Neither will the idX heat. Pushing progression is for all, for those entering a park or hiking a rail for the first time to the weekend warriors.

For the bisk fiends out there, along with the tow rope and backcountry pass, you can purchase one off Bisk in quantities of rotations. As an unbiased person for idX, the tow rope and backcountry pass are the best value, but sometimes it’s just Biskness for some people.

Me when I participate in the Biskness

Call This A Skymall Magazine or Linktree

I'm on airport wifi so bare with me. Here are pre-order links for those items for those Bisk Gods that want to support idX and the homies on idX. The Bisk will be live in the new year.

Backcountry Pass - $4.99/mo

Tow Rope Pass - $9.99/mo

630 Bisk - $12.99 - (one time charge)
360 Bisk - $7.99
270 Bisk - $5.99
180 Bisk - $3.99
90 Bisk - $1.99

To the first person to buy Bisk, the Tow Rope Pass, or the Backcountry Pass, you will be immortalized in idX history.

We will be in communication with all those who purchase!

idX Devology

Bottom line, Bisk will be live 1/1/2024 on all platforms. We’ve been communicating with the good people at Apple and Google while distributing this new technology that’s been the greatest innovation since the twin tip. Our web app ( will have the latest updates at all times.

Pro-tip: Fully Quit/Close and Reopen (slide up on iOS) idX if it doesn’t work the way you want it to.

New idX map just dropped, wake up babe

Finally, autoplay is absolutely fixed along with volume being optional when you load idX. Personally, I’m a no headphones person on the mountain, but we know how much you all love to listen to that Soundcloud Rap so why not listen to it while browsing idX. #RIPLilPeep

Big News (unrelated to Bisk) will be coming in the New Year as everyone on idX and the team just keeps on winning. It’s a X-treme part of the reason why we couldn’t release this and the year end recap sooner.

Past Emails

I'm about to get a Pulitzer Prize for non related Biskness Emails.
Working Title - Must Edit for Clout - 12/15
Rockin' Around the idX Tree - 12/8
Wake Me Up When November Ends - 12/1
Things We're Thankful For - 11/24
Judging - 11/17
Preseason Smoke - 11/10
An Honest Take: Watching Ski and Snowboard Competitions  - 11/3
Back From The Dead: Halloween 2023 - 10/31
Too Hood To Be True: A Summer Recap - 10/27
idX Financial Biscuits Outlook - 10/20
The idx Roadmap of Ski And Snowboard Dreams - 10/13

dylanaker with the Back Swap Front Swap Front F450 Out with the Transfer
idX Headquarters with Bisk Jesus

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate from idX!

Going to get an Masters in Bisk Adminstration. Emails Coming On Fridays

- Mia

© 2025 Infinite Degrees