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Ayumu Hirano Wins Infinite Degrees 2021 Trick of the Year

This past Dew Tour was incredible to witness. The progression and competition level at both the halfpipe and slopestyle course were insane. We saw it first hand when on his final run, Ayumu Hirano landed the first ever triple cork in halfpipe competition history. He has promptly been awarded the Infinite Degrees Trick of the Year.

Check it out at Infinite Degrees to share the love and rate or save the trick (or if you want to even think about attempting this bad boy in the pipe).

Ayumu Hirano Frontside Triple Cork 1440

Even got the trickdriver grab. Beep beep! Ayumu is out for blood this year and I can't wait to see what happens at Mammoth and then the Olympics.

Happy Holidays everyone! Thank you Ayumu for giving us a little Christmas present before hand.

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