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Ayo Kit Check Bars 2023

Kit Check Time

Kits have been a staple of the freeski and snowboard world since the dawn of humans. Illustrated here in an article detailing China claiming to have invented skiing, we see the early origins of 砷, 无限度, 集尘盒 along with current trends that exist today (google translate for those not fluent).

In China, we see a crew with no poles, baggy jackets, and 10th Century XXXL Pants. Cannot confirm or deny if the rock was drawn on by a 12 year old government employee.

Someone from Norway doing a Daffy with a dome piece hunting down a Moose

After being inspired by these legends, without further adieu, we are happy to announce the top kits on idX this past year.

Top 10 Kits on idX

T10. full_mast and official_no_poles
(Look at Me, I'm Matej Svancer!)


First off, I mean guys c'mon. You didn't think we would notice that this is a blatant rip off of Matej's signature vest. Regardless, "it's not the wand, it's the wizard" that matters and the style from these two has been out of control this winter.

Style: 10/10
Originality: 2/10
Filming Better: Infinite/10

9. thebroski
(Après Guy)

This screams I'm bringing a 30 pack on the hill and I'm going to make my friends with a backpack carry it all while I land a nice 360 in front of the chair. After that I'm going to record Apres scene on IG Live just so the people know. We don't advise it, but we respect it.

8. zac.sureman
(OnSlaught at 9, Golf at 5, UV Protection Forever)

Getting sunburnt summer skiing is no joke, and neither is Zac and the OS Crew at Woodward Copper for a week. We're still not sure if this kit was to stunt on the campers, bring style to the rails, or to set up for going golfing after skiing but it works for all the above.

7. ndvski

(Seal Team 720)

Can anyone see ndvski? Look closely

Yeah, we can't see anything either. That's what happens when you wear Camo on the hill and send it at an alarming pace.

T6. jusluca and blendbuster2
(2 Chainz)



Ha! See what we did there! 1 Chain + 1 Chain = 2Chainz! So Original! Likewise were the kits from jusluca and blendbuster2 this past season.

5. novybbg
(MIB IV: Men in Cameroon Flag Colors)

Staring in MIB IV: Men in Cameroon Flag Colors, we have novybbg. After hearing news that studios will not be making a MIB IV, Novy seems to have taken things into his own hands by spinning off the franchise into a series of clips and edits featuring him wearing a green, yellow, and red rugby shirt with glasses that can find aliens and prevent memory lost.

Movie Poster for MIB: IV

4. willjames
(Will Climb Mt. Everest and Do Avy Awareness Training After This Clip)

Eyewear Inside the Helmet


XL+ Pants


Gloves that can change a tire and get you through the season






Personal Style


We're still not sure if this is Ernest Shackleton on skis or willjames, but either way, we couldn't find that much to roast so we put this timeless kit in fourth.

3. misfit_skier
(Misfit Kit)


Who did it better? Christopher Nolan or Rihanna? Neither, it was misfit_skier

Along with dedicating the kit to the white topsheet of the misfit skis, the all white style provides an extra 360 degrees of spin, minimum. Our in house scientists think this is due to the sun and it's reflection off the kit.

2. conordavis
(Keep the Nightlight On)

We're not sure if Conor started his ski apparel brand Nightlights because he was scared of the dark, or he wanted to showcase some of his quality designs to the east coast and top rail skiers like Jackson Karsteter, but either way, props to making something that you and others wear on the hill. Speaking of which...

1. gaffer
(Big Momma's House 2 Staring Martin Lawrence)

We're gonna give you two photos, and you tell us the difference:

We can't either.

All jokes aside, shout out to the gaffer for possibly making the baggiest pants we've ever seen (we're talking 5XL+ size here) personally at along with pairing that up with your standard 3XL tee. We've done our physics homework on this and the amount of wind that these things trap gives you approximately 1.8s of extra air time.

We thought the limits of oversized kits had topped out in the late 2000s and early 2010s, but this goes to show that the style is still alive and well.

Honorable Mention

(Eyewear That Shoots Laser Beams)

(Best Random Article of Clothing)

Always good for cloth talk to have something sticking out of your pockets to let people know that you ride park and give them something when they cry tears of joy after landing a trick.

(Greatest No Regard for Safety)

Now is a great time for our lawyers to chime in and say that we don't recommend this at all and 100% advise and advocate against this. There are extreme risks with the kits. With that being said...

We obviously still recommend you hit the park and upload to idX.

(Top Dual Sport Kit)

Let us know where we can get one of these (we're assuming) vintage Nike Snowboarding jackets.

An Addendum

This was probably the hardest thing that we've had to do (and we made an entire app). Apologies if we didn't recognize your style or we offended you, but you're 100% certified fresh if you're uploading to idX. Finally, congrats to everyone who got their parents to spend their money on 3XL+ clothing. Feel free to reply to this email with how we know nothing about park kits.

idX Devology

We're going to start rolling out pins if you haven't noticed already and then we made some UI/UX changes. Finally, you can now comment and view comments from the home page. Big things to come this winter (we think).

idX Headquarters

Emails Coming On Thursdays-ish


- Brendan, Cindy, Tagg, and Mia

© 2025 Infinite Degrees